Get Your Own Trip to Texas

Our second campaign within the Let’s Texas brand positioning was inspired by research showing that consumer motivation for travel had dramatically changed. When we discovered that our new Passionate Explorer target wanted to curate their own routine-breaking experiences, we landed on this simple idea: there are an infinite number of trips to Texas but the only one that matters is yours.

Liberation Idea: Find Your Texas Adventure

Poking fun at the tourism category’s typical "bland montage" format, the campaign tapped into a feeling of customization and diversity.

A trip builder like no other

To help travelers plan their one-of-a-kind trip to Texas, we built a one-of-a-kind Trip Builder. More vision board than typical itinerary builder, the experience allows users to generate a custom, visually-led trip matched to their unique interests. Try building your own.   

Creative and media worked hand-in-hand to leverage data and deliver custom messages through video, digital, audio and print channels. We supported the effort with 1.8 billion impressions of paid media to reach our travel intender target. To complement our brand messaging, social influencers “got their own trip,” visiting everywhere from Austin to Amarillo, showing off their customized itineraries.